Self-Care Machines

Are we encouraging our clients to be self-care machines? Jacob talks about the difference between encouraging excessive self-protection and encouraging vital living.

Jacob MartinezComment

Stuck with a client? Jacob walks you through an exercise that he uses to loosen some of that rigid stuckness.

Jacob MartinezComment
Thinking Outside The Box

You know how and when to target each of the six core processes. . . or do you?

Jacob discusses how we get into ruts with our interventions, and the importance of using the six core processes of psychological flexibility more flexibly.

Jacob MartinezComment
Two Sides to Every Process

It’s not all cognitive defusion and acceptance out there in the real world. Sometimes we have to touch on our inflexible side to realize the full benefits of flexibility.

Jacob MartinezComment
Consistency is Key

Keeping things consistent in ACT is vital. Jacob discusses why continuing to utilize psychological flexibility processes throughout the therapy is so important.

Jacob MartinezComment