Module 19: How to do an RFT-Enlightened Functional Analysis (Why is this important, and how do I do it?)

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This presentation from the 17th ACBS World Con is a two-part view into the power of RFT as an explanation for the work we do with clients. Niklas Torneke and Robyn Walser provide a basis of why RFT and functional analysis is important to do, and then demonstrate for the audience. Pay particular attention to the way Robyn’s statements and questions to the client force new derivations in her.

In order to view this video you must be a member of ACBS.

Discussion/Reflection Questions

  1. Notice the way Niklas boils down the goals of RFT informed work into three main points. What do you make of summarizing the therapeutic process in this way? How is it similar or different than the work you do with clients?

  2. Which of these three points do you feel you most lean on in therapy? Which do you perhaps neglect?

  3. Can you track your use of these three points in your own work over the next week?

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